Urban (c ) interpretations: Urbinary movie nights
17/12/2024, h. 21:00
Milano, Il Cinemino, Via Seneca 6
5€ membership required. Sign up at: www.ilcinemino.it
Urban (c)interpretations: Urbinary movie nights is a side activity of Urbinary the Podcast.
This initiative explores urban studies through unconventional, non-academic approaches, creating a space to engage
with the community and spark dialogue on urban phenomena. A work in progress by Phil Cox:Five stories of revolution, struggle and dreams from the city of Khartoum before the war told by a civil servant, two street boys, a motorbike medic and a tea lady.
Phil Cox: Director and Writer – Native Voice Films
Paola Piscitelli: Filmmaker and researcher at DAStU – Polimi
Mohamed Elgohary, Dafni Riga, Giulia Oldani, Yioryos Chatziefthymiou: DAStU – Polimi, Urbinary member
Giulia Oldani, Mohamed Elgohary, Dafni Riga, Yioryos Chatziefthymiou
Photo credits: Phil Cox