What Next with Mom’s and Dad’s House?
09/09/2022, h. 8:30 – 18:00
Politecnico di Milano, Campus Leonardo, Edificio 11, Aula Gamma
The event is free to access. For confirmation of seat availability, please send an email to sfh-symposium@polimi.it
The Transformation Potential of the Single-family House
One of the most urgent and yet overlooked themes in architectural and urban research is the retrofitting of extensive residential territories dominated by single-family houses, generally built for the middle classes in the second half of the 20th century. Although living in a dispersed territory represents a consolidated practice based upon apparently natural architectural forms, urbanization processes and cultures of inhabitation, current circumstances in many territories call for a rethinking of this housing stock.
The symposium places the single-family house at the centre of attention, bringing together practice and theory, its potential transformation in relation to emergent uses, economic and demographic trends, but also future scenarios consistent with the socio-ecological agenda embodied by the NextGenerationEU and Green Deal programs.
9:30 Morning session – Change
chaired by Michela Bassanelli with Rebecca Carrai – KU Leuven, Kateryna Malaia – Mississippi State University ,Lawrence Davis – Syracuse University, Niccolò Suraci and Cristiano Tosco – Politecnico di Torino, Ester Gisbert Alemany – Universidad de Alicante
14:00 Afternoon session – Action
chaired by Fabio Lepratto with Teresa Palmieri / Oswald Devisch / Barbara Roosen – Hasselt University, Rory Hyde – University of Melbourne, Gabriel Cuéllar and Athar Mufreh – University of Minnesota, Greta Rauleac – Central European University, Caterina Spadoni – independent, Elizabeth Galvez – Yale
17:00 Final Remarks
Martino Tattara and Federico Zanfi
Responsabili: Martino Tattara e Federico Zanfi