Full Professor
By appointment

Scheda di riferimento: Scheda personale
PUBBLICAZIONI (published in the series “Postphenomenology and the Philosophy of Technology” edited by D. Ihde, R. Rosenberger and P.P. Verbeek) *

Simona Chiodo is Full Professor of Philosophy at Politecnico di Milano (since January 8, 2018).

She was Visiting Professor at the University of Cambridge, UK (2019), and at the University of Edinburgh, UK (2016). She was Visiting Scholar at the University of Pittsburgh, USA (2014). She spent research stays at Harvard University, USA (2004 and 2003). And she was Academic Visitor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA (2022), at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden (2018), at ETH Zurich, Switzerland (2017), at TU Delft, Netherlands (2017), and at Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, China (2016).

She is Vice-Dean of the School of Architecture, Urban Planning and Construction Engineering of Politecnico di Milano (7th, QS World University Rankings by subject).

She is co-founder of META (Social Sciences and Humanities for Science and Technology at Politecnico di Milano), member of the IDEA League Ethics Working Group, member of the Technology Foresight of Politecnico di Milano and former member of the Research Ethical Committee of Politecnico di Milano.

She was the supervisor of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship research project “SCRAPS (Writing the Sleep Crisis: 24/7 Capitalism and Neoliberal Subjectivity)”, PI D. De Cristofaro, whose results are published in “Sleep and Its Meanings. Essays from Critical Sleep Studies” (ed. by D. De Cristofaro, The MIT Press, forthcoming in 2025).

Her last monograph is “Predicted Humans. Emerging Technologies and the Burden of Sensemaking” (Routledge, 2024, published in the series “Media, Culture and Critique: Future Imperfect” edited by R. Abbinnett and G. Gilloch).

"In a time when algorithms determine more and more in our everyday lives, we need to reflect on what role technology should have in our societies. Professor Chiodo does so in a fascinating and inspiring way, making efficient use of ancient myths and literary classics. Prometheus has much more to do with healthcare algorithms than what one would think before reading this book" (S.O. Hansson, Royal Institute of Technology)

"An original interpretation of Western technological culture, based on the idea that we use technology to evade individual responsibility: we install an immanent divine to externalize epistemological and ethical decisions and create a technological scapegoat. After engaging with the myth of Prometheus and other literature, Chiodo argues that this 'anarchistic' move is a continuation of a history of giving away control of reality to logos, which we have now narrowed down to computation and its externalization in algorithmic machines. Compulsory reading for anyone interested in understanding our technological era" (M. Coeckelbergh, University of Vienna)

Epistemology: relationship between aisthesis and episteme, epistemological dualism, relationship between reality and ideality, meaning of technology.

Aesthetics: representation, beauty, aesthetics of architecture.

History of philosophy: modern and contemporary Anglo-American philosophy, especially analytic philosophy.

See her CV for the list of her publications.

Among her publications, the monographs “Predicted Humans. Emerging Technologies and the Burden of Sensemaking” (Routledge, 2024), “Technology and the Overturning of Human Autonomy” (Springer, 2023), “Technology and Anarchy. A Reading of Our Era” (Lexington Books-The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, 2020), “Come pensa un europeo. Epistemologia di un agire comune” (Carocci, 2018), “Che cos’è un ideale. Da Platone alla filosofia contemporanea” (Carocci, 2016), “La bellezza. Un’introduzione al suo passato e una proposta per il suo futuro” (Bruno Mondadori, 2015), “Apologia del dualismo. Un’indagine sul pensiero occidentale” (Carocci, 2013, reprinted in 2014), “Io non cerco, trovo. Un empirismo contemporaneo” (Bollati Boringhieri, 2011), “Estetica dell’architettura” (Carocci, 2011, which won the Premio Filosofico Castiglioncello, 2012, section A. Musu), the Italian edition of Archibald Alison’s “Essays on the Nature and Principles of Taste” (Aesthetica, 2011) and several articles in international peer reviewed journals. She is co-editor of the book “Italian Philosophy of Technology” (Springer, 2021).