DAStU Dipartimento Eccellenza
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 Il DAStU partecipa – in qualità di capofila o di partner – ai seguenti progetti finanziati dai programmi europei Horizon 2020 e Horizon Europe:


  • PALIMPSEST – CREATIVE DRIVERS FOR SUSTAINABLE LIVING HERITAGE LANDSCAPES (2023-2026). Il DAStU-Politecnico di Milano è capofila europeo del progetto; responsabile scientifico del progetto: prof.ssa Grazia Concilio _ https://www.palimpsest-project.eu/;
  • ORBIS – Augmenting participation, co-creation, trust and transparency in Deliberative Democracy at all scales (2023-2026). Il Politecnico di Milano è capofila europeo del progetto; responsabile scientifico per il DAStU: prof.ssa Grazia Concilio _ https://orbis-project.eu/;
  • CLIMABOROUGH – Building Green and Climate Neutral City-Hubs (2023-2026). Responsabile scientifico per il DAStU: prof.ssa Grazia Concilio _ https://climaborough.eu/;
  • SATO – Self Assessment Towards Optimization of building energy (2020-2024). Responsabile scientifico per il DAStU: prof. Lorenzo Pagliano _ https://www.sato-project.eu/;
  • FULFILL – Fundamental Decarbonization Through Sufficiency by Lifestyle Changes (2021-2024). Responsabile scientifico per il DAStU: prof. Lorenzo Pagliano _ https://fulfill-sufficiency.eu/;
  • Nati00ns – National engagement activities to support the launch of the Mission ‘A Soil Deal for Europe’ 100 Living Labs and Lighthouses (2022-2024). Responsabile scientifico per il DAStU: prof. Eugenio Morello _ https://nati00ns.eu/node/22;
  • MOBI-TWIN – Twin transition and changing patterns of spatial mobility: a regional approach (2023-2026). Responsabile scientifico per il DAStU: prof. Emmanuel Matsaganis_https://mobi-twin-project.eu/;
  • RE-SKIN – Renewable and Environmental-Sustainable Kit for building Integration (2023-2026). Responsabile scientifico per il DAStU: prof. Giancarlo Paganin_ https://reskinproject.eu/;
  • COLLECTiEF – Collective Intelligence for Energy Flexibility (2022-2025). Responsabile scientifico per il DAStU: dott.ssa Silvia Erba _ https://collectief-project.eu/;
  • ReHousIn – Contextualized pathways to reduce housing inequalities in the green and digital transition (Grant Agreement under negotiation). Responsabile scientifico per il DAStU: prof. Massimo Bricocoli;
  • REMAKING – REmote-working Multiple impacts in the Age of disruptions: socioeconomic transformations, territorial rethinKING, and policy actions (Grant Agreement under negotiation). Responsabile scientifico per il DAStU: prof.ssa Ilaria Mariotti;
  • CORAL – Exploring the impacts of collaborative workspaces in rural and peripheral areas in the EU (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action – ITN; 2021-2024). Responsabile scientifico per il DAStU: prof.ssa Ilaria Mariotti _ https://coral-itn.eu/;
  • Contested Territory – From Contested Territories to alternatives of development: Learning from Latin America (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action – RISE; 2020-2024). Responsabile scientifico per il DAStU: prof.ssa Antonella Contin _ https://www.contested-territories.net/;
  • MultiCAST – Multiscale Thermal-related Urban Climate Analysis and Simulation Tool (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action – Individual Fellowship, Global Fellowship; 2022-2025). Supervisor e responsabile scientifico del progetto: prof. Eugenio Morello; Experienced Researcher: dott. Nicola Colaninno _ http://www.labsimurb.polimi.it/multicast/;
  • REDI – RMIT European Doctoral Innovators (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action – COFUND; 2022-2027). Responsabile scientifico per il DAStU: prof.ssa Mariacristina Giambruno _ https://www.rediprogram.eu/.


Il DAStU è coinvolto nei seguenti progetti finanziati dal programma Erasmus+:


  • SUSPA – Sustainable urban space pavilion (2022-2024). Responsabile scientifico per il DAStU: prof.ssa Laura Montedoro;
  • EDULands – EDULands for transitions: Exploring collaborative education to connect the school and the landscape (2022-2025). Responsabile scientifico per il DAStU: prof.ssa Camilla Casonato;
  • SMART – Innovation Centres for the development of innovative and entrepreneurial thinking to facilitate the development of sustainable smart solutions in the Western Balkans (2022-2025). Responsabile scientifico per il DAStU: prof.ssa Antonella Contin;
  • Pro-GREEN-LABs – Promoting Integrated Green Competences for Sustainable Development in Architectural Education through Experiential Lab-based, Active Learning (Grant Agreement under negotiation). Responsabile scientifico per il DAStU: prof. Eugenio Morello.


Il DAStU è partner di tre progetti finanziati dal programma Creative Europe:


  • Open Atelier – building new innovative formats for active audience participation and interaction with cultural heritage within European House Museums (2022-2025). Responsabile scientifico per il DAStU: prof. Gennaro Postiglione_https://www.openatelier.eu/;
  • UNLOCK THE CITY! – Theatre as a tool for post pandemic sustainable transformation of the European urban landscape (2023-2026). Responsabile scientifico per il DAStU: prof. Antonio Longo_https://www.unlockthecity.eu/en/;
  • Landscape Together (2023-2027). Responsabile scientifico per il DAStU: prof. Carles Muro _ https://landscapetogether.eu/.



E di un progetto finanziato dal programma europeo SOCPL (Social Prerogative and Specific Competencies Lines):


  • BACK IN TOWN – The role of industrial relations and social dialogue in supporting young people’s employment and social inclusion at an urban level (2023-2025). Responsabile scientifico per il DAStU: prof. Gabriele Pasqui.



Inoltre, è grant holder di una COST ACTION:



Il DAStU partecipa – in qualità di partner – al seguente progetto JPI (Joint Programming Initiatives):


  • EX-TRA – EXperimenting with city streets to TRAnsform urban mobility (Programma ERA-NET Cofund Urban Accessibility and Connectivity; 2021-2024). Responsabile scientifico per il DAStU: prof.ssa Paola Pucci _ https://www.ex-tra-project.eu/;
  • COMMON_ACCESS – COMMONing ACCESSibility in urban outskirts and beyond (Programma JPI DUT – Driving Urban Transition; 2024-2026). Responsabile scientifico per il DAStU: prof.ssa Paola Pucci.