Dottorato di Ricerca in Conservazione dei Beni Architettonici / Preservation of the Architectural Heritage PhD Program


Maria Cristina Giambruno


Oana Tiganea

Departmental secretariat

Marina Bonaventura, Marilena Mastalli
Tel: +39 02 2399 5165 / 5405
Fax: +39 02 2399 5435


PhD School website


Related DAStU Research Fields

History and Cultural Heritage
Cities, Territories and Landscapes

The next Open Call will be open in April 2024. For further details concerning the calendar, details of the call, enrolment information, and detailed programs please consult the PhD School website.


Mission and goals

Training Project CBA 39 Cycle 2023

The PhD programme in Preservation of the Architectural Heritage (PAH) focuses on defining high level skills and knowledge in the field of cultural heritage concerning both the safeguarding and intervention processes, while taking into account the complex facets of the built environment such as monumental architecture, minor and common architecture found at urban and territorial scale, dating from the most antique historical periods to the modern and contemporary ones. This will be possible to accomplish through a multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary approach based on the historical methodological research, on the archaeological investigation of architecture, and on the applied sciences and their practical impact on the preservation practice. Moreover, throughout the programme will be tackled issues dealing with intervention choices, control of the various institutional aspects and maintenance issues of the architectural heritage. The PhD candidates will acquire the necessary knowledge and expertise in order to define preservation strategies, frameworks and programmes, tailored at different scales of analyse and approach, while evaluating in a critical key the interventions’ effects on the built environment throughout time.

Gli obiettivi del corso di Dottorato in Conservazione dei Beni Architettonici (CBA) sono di offrire ai laureati competenze ad alto livello nell’ambito della tutela e dell’intervento per il costruito – architettura ‘monumentale’, edilizia diffusa, contesti urbani e territoriali – dalle testimonianze più antiche fino all’architettura moderna e contemporanea; di trasmettere a tal fine conoscenze adeguate, a partire dalla ricerca di carattere pluridisciplinare preliminare al progetto, dalla metodologia della ricerca storica, all’archeologia dell’architettura, al contributo delle scienze applicate, fino alle scelte di intervento, al controllo degli aspetti istituzionali e delle pratiche di manutenzione; infine, di fornire il sapere necessario a delineare le strategie, i quadri di riferimento, i programmi propri della conservazione alle diverse scale, e a valutare i risultati degli interventi anche verificandone gli effetti nel tempo.

PhD Thesis  

CBA Doctoral Thesis_November 2023